Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rocking Chair

Cliff and I have always wanted a rocking chair.  For our enjoyment as well as the hopes of a little one in our life.  A few weeks ago while at a Goodwill with Nels, Meghan and Nora, we came across one.  It was marked only $5.95.  As we were checking it out, an employee came by and told us it wasn't any good to sit on since there was a crack in the seat.  Well we will see about that.  So we asked Nels to sit in it and he rocked in it and it seemed fine.  So we snatched it up and Cliff and I filled it in with putty, added a screw or two, painted, then distressed it.  Then I made a seat for it with some fabric I have out in one of our storage sheds.  We are pretty pleased with it.  And the cats like it already too!